Individual coaching processes

InFlow - Marta Fuchtenhans

The coaching process is a series of business coaching sessions that are tailored to the needs and goals of the Client and the organisation. The number and length of sessions are aligned with the Client. Most often, the coaching process consists of 4 – 8 individual meetings lasting one hour, approximately every 2 – 3 weeks. 

Business coaching consists of support in searching for ways to develop the business, better solutions or ways to improve processes in the company, especially when the previous patterns of action are not effective or are no longer working.

It is particularly dedicated to people planning change, considering potential solutions and ways of implementing such solutions, developing strategies, action plans as well as setting the direction for the future. Business coaching also helps to increase efficiency, energy and creativity within a team.

Marta Fuchtenhans - coaching, praca z klientami biznesowymi i indywidualnymi, analiza Extended DISC

The coaching process is a series of business coaching sessions that are tailored to the needs and goals of the Client and the organisation. The number and length of sessions are aligned with the Client. Most often, the coaching process consists of 4 – 8 individual meetings lasting one hour, approximately every 2 – 3 weeks. 

Business coaching consists of support in searching for ways to develop the business, better solutions or ways to improve processes in the company, especially when the previous patterns of action are not effective or are no longer working.

It is particularly dedicated to people planning change, considering potential solutions and ways of implementing such solutions, developing strategies, action plans as well as setting the direction for the future. Business coaching also helps to increase efficiency, energy and creativity within a team.

As part of individual coaching processes, we can work together i.a. on:

Marta Fuchtenhans - coaching, praca z klientami biznesowymi i indywidualnymi, analiza Extended DISC

We can choose courage or we can choose comfort,
but we can't have both. Not at the same time.

~ Brene Brown