Career coaching

Career coaching focuses on career goals that take into account the Client’s sense of purpose and talents, resulting in achieving job satisfaction. It is particularly designed for those in need of change and greater clarity on how to move on, feeling that they are not fulfilling themselves professionally, wanting to rebuild their career path, planning to retrain or returning to the labour market after a long break.

Marta Fuchtenhans – oferta indywidualna – coaching

Career coaching focuses on career goals that take into account the Client’s sense of purpose and talents, resulting in achieving job satisfaction. It is particularly designed for those in need of change and greater clarity on how to move on, feeling that they are not fulfilling themselves professionally, wanting to rebuild their career path, planning to retrain or returning to the labour market after a long break.

As part of career coaching, we can collaborate i.a. on:

Marta Fuchtenhans – oferta indywidualna – coaching

We can choose courage or we can choose comfort,
but we can't have both. Not at the same time.

~ Brene Brown